What Qualities Make A Good Nurse?

What Qualities Make A Good Nurse?



Nursing can be a demanding profession, especially considering that you will be meeting and taking care of all kinds of patients. To enjoy your nursing career and be successful in patient handling, there are qualities you must have. You also need to keep working on these qualities to make you better each day you deal with your patients. How you handle your patients can make a huge difference in your career growth. But what qualities really make a nurse good enough?

Compassion – Compassion is all about being aware of what your patients are going through and actually sympathizing with their suffering without judging them in any way. When you have this quality as a nurse, you definitely will manage to offer the necessary assistance to improve the situation and reduce the suffering patient is going through. It is among the top qualities that make nurse very vital in medical situations.

Team spirit – In medical situations, you really cannot work alone. You need to work with the rest of the care providers for the sake of the patient’s wellbeing. When you have a teamwork mentality as a nurse, you will manage to deal with conflicts as they arise and even avoid them by reducing miscommunication and disagreements that could affect the life of the patient negatively. To be a good team player you must be sincere, patient and have good communication skills.

Patience – It is a key quality when it comes to nursing profession. You are most likely to handle stubborn patients and only patience will make it possible for you to deal with them and provide the best health care possible. In your line of duty there will also be situations where you need to make a quick decision and you must learn to stay calm even under pressure. A patient nurse is usually level-headed and confident. A good education coupled with patience as a virtue will take you very far in the demanding nursing career.

Respect – As a nurse you must maintain patient dignity throughout the treatment process. This is something you can only achieve when you are a respectful health care provider who cares about the wishes of the patient. Apart from keeping patient medical records private, you must treat them with respect and respect their personalities, beliefs, fears and opinions however different they might be from yours. Remember that you will handle patients from all walks of life and your duty is to offer them the best care and this means behaving ethically and fairly in all situations.

Passion – Only a nurse who is passionate about offering care will make a good reputable nurse with the potential to go even higher in the career. When you are passionate about taking care of your patients, you will have good bedside manners, compassionate and remain energized regardless of the number of patients you need to offer care to. The field can be challenging and hectic for you if you did not get into it because you are passionate about offering nursing services. 

To be a good nurse you must have all essential qualities and then get the necessary education. A registered and licensed nurse complete with all good qualities is bound to have a very fulfilling nursing career.